Tel: 07939 066 416

Jo Archer Equine and Canine Chiropractic.
Jo Archer is an equine and canine chiropractor who has recently moved to Lancashire. With over twenty years of experience treating both horses and dogs, Jo specialises in working with the biomechanical issues that affect many animals ranging from elite competitors in a wide variety of disciplines to peoples’ best companions.
Originally trained in McTimoney Chiropractic technique, Jo has since gone on to train with the International Academy of Veterinary Chiropractors, and subsequently become a regular practical tutor for them on their UK courses. She has also undertaken training in other treatment techniques including Cranial Sacral Therapy, Stammer Kinetics, Masterson Method and the internationally renowned Nerve Release Course pioneered in US by Celeste Leilani Lazaris.
Jo’s primary concern with all treatment interventions is to find the areas of restriction, use gentle release techniques to help restore normal range of movement and to discover the reasons they occurred in the first place. Jo works closely with vets, farriers, podiatrists, saddle fitters and all relevant professionals to help ensure the best outcomes for your animal. Jo also prioritises educating owners and riders to help them make well informed choices for the care and ongoing management of their animal.
Jo Archer is registered with both RAMP and AHPR. She works in the North Lancashire, Yorkshire, Cumbria region as well as continuing to see clients regularly in Surrey.